
Complete Storm Water Inspection Services

‍Inspection of all storm water components on your property from the roof drains to the outlet at the municipal storm system or water course. Including inlet/ outlet control structures, catch basins, manholes, trench drains, swales, ponds, underground retention/detention ponds, oil grit separators/water quality units, low impact development (LID) practices and more. Inspecting systems to ensure proper functionality of all manufactured and natural areas are doing the job as designed and ensuring your property is in compliance with all municipal and local storm water requirements.

Reduce Cost, Risk & Hassle

SWC Canada will develop and implement a site-specific stormwater inspection and maintenance program in order to ensure that your site is in compliance with all Provincial and Municipal stormwater management requirements.

Lot & Building Protection

At SWC Canada, we believe that every customer’s situation is unique. Our Storm Water System Inspection and Maintenance services have been designed with your best interests in mind. Our overall goal is to ensure your capital investment is protected.

Inspections & Reports

Every inspection is supported by an Inspection Report detailing the existing levels of oil / hydrocarbons and particulate matter, as well as the recommended course of action.

Mandatory Compliance

Cities and Municipalities are now requiring that a Storm Water Operation and Maintenance plan be in place, and are taking enforcement measures against those who do not comply.