Inlet/Outlet Control Structures

Inlet and Outlet Structures are water control devices that can be very simple structural units or sophisticated mechanical systems , Both requiring regular maintenance to ensure proper functionality.

SWC Canada Inc. provides inspection, maintenance and repair services for inlet/outlet control structures such as:

Catch Basins

A catch basin (a.k.a. storm drain inlet, curb inlet) is an inlet to the storm drain system that typically includes a grate or curb inlet where stormwater enters the catch basin and a sump to capture sediment, debris and associated pollutants.

Trench Drains

A trench drain (a.k.a. a channel drain, line drain, slot drain, linear drain or strip drain) is a specific type of floor drain containing a dominant trough or channel-shaped body. It is used for the rapid evacuation of surface water or for the containment of utility lines or chemical spills.


A manhole (alternatively utility hole, cable chamber, maintenance hole, inspection chamber, access chamber, sewer hole, or confined space) is the top opening to an underground utility vault used to house an access point for making connections, inspection, valve adjustments or performing maintenance on underground and buried public utility and other services including water, sewers, telephone, electricity, storm drains, district heating and gas.

Head walls

A headwall is a concrete structure installed at the outlet of a drain or culvert that functions as a retaining wall to protection against erosion, or as a means to divert flow. Precast concrete headwalls and wingwalls are a vital component of drainage culverts and bridge sections.